I created and designed this entire website myself, it took me an extremely long time and I have substantially less hair now than when I started. Therefore, it will be a tremendous waste of my time, talent and tears if nobody visits. To aid anyone who might suffer from the social taboo of computer illiteracy or if I have confused anyone with my website layout, I have produced this wee website guide to make things a little less stressful.
At the top of each page there are several links to other sections of the website:
Home – This link will take you to the home page of the website which includes a brief description of who I am, what the trip is and why I am doing it. Next is a complete map of the entire route that I will taking, travelling from John O’Groats all the way to the Black Sea in Romania. Finally, you will find links to the two charities that I am representing and all of the wonderful companies that have contributed to the trip in some way or another.
About – This page contains a more in depth look at who I am, what the trip is and why I am doing it. The page also contains a map that will show exactly where I am at all times, this map will be updated daily (internet permitting).
Cycle, Swim and Kayak – Each page outlines the exact details of each stage of the trip, including the history I have with that sport, my motivation for that section and the training that I have deemed necessary for each section. Each page also contains the section of the map specific to that section.
Charity – This page is dedicated to the two amazing charities, PEAS and Restless Development, that I have chosen to represent. Here you will find a brief description of the great work that they do as well as links to their websites and social media platforms. I am not directly fundraising for either charity, but I do certainly encourage you read about the work that they do, spread their message and any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, there are links to my own social media sites at the footer of every page.
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at sbrenkel@jogtotheblacksea.com (Please only ask me about the trip, I am taking a prolonged hiatus from being an agony aunt).
June 3, 2016 @ 10:24 pm
Feel free to leave comments, compliments, suggestions or insults.